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The Art of Remodeling: A Peak Behind the Curtain

Written By: Mike J. Farrugia

Last Updated: 12/21/22

Have you ever had work done to your home?

Was it a SUCCESSFUL, SMOOTH process with your contractor? There is a myriad of preparations, calculations, and various tasks that a well organized company will exercise to ensure the best outcome of a project.

The majority of homeowners see guys show up, set up tools, do their day's work, pack up and head home for the day. There is much more entailed than executing the actual work.


The job preparations depending on the project can vary. For the most part, contacting all of your sub contractors (plumbers, electricians, HVAC, etc.) and notifying them as to when the job is scheduled to start, at what point they will be needed, expected completion date and what their work will entail.

Re-visiting of the job site is sometimes nessacary to review project details with the homeowner and to make an accurate material list. A material list is submitted to a supplier and a delivery scheduled. At the point, a dumspter would also be scheduled (if needed). The homeowner has been notified about the deliveries and the dumpster being placed either in their driveway or street.

Materials to protect the homeowner's belongings is on site the first day. Such as, floor paper, plastic sheets, brooms/vacumms, etc.

Often, having the homewner pointing out the water main shut off and electrical panel can be of help in case of an emergency.


One of our most common calculation is for square feet needed of a specific material. Just to name a few:

  • Insulation

  • Drywall

  • Adhesives

  • Flooring (accounted with waste)

  • Tile (accounted with waste)

Duration of the Project

Throughout any project, the contractor should be in constant contact with the homeowner. COMMUNICATION IS KEY! Going over PROJECT DETAILSin extremely important to ensure the project turns out the way the homeowner had envisioned.

Staying on top of the sub-contractors is another important factor. Any miscommunication or an un-reliable sub copntractor can hold up a project a great deal.

There is either a foreman on site or a project manager to check in to assure everything is running smoothly, the homeowner's questions are answered and the job site is being kept clean.


In conclusion, the aboved mention is just a fraction of what is entailed in order to provide great service and a quality job. A well organized contractor is a must!

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